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Carina Rosa

President, 2018-

President, 2018-

Carina is a Junior studying Music Education at Central Connecticut State University. While a proud vocal concentration, she also plays violin and prides herself on being a master kazoo player. When she's not practicing or brainstorming for ACDA, she's conducting research for her Honors Thesis, working on projects as a Peer Advisor in the Arts & Sciences Advising Place, or mentoring students in the TRIO Program! Her passions lie in creating equal educational opportunities for students and encouraging lifelong passions for learning.


Reach Carina at

Carina Rosa

Vice President, 2018-

Savannah is a senior studying music education at Central Connecticut State University with a vocal concentration. Aside from singing, her other talents include acting and playing trumpet, piano, and cello! She was previously a competitive swimmer and lifeguard. In addition to her role as Vice President of CCSU ACDA, she currently serves as the President of CCSU's chapter of the National Association for Music Educators and works as the Undergraduate Assistant for the Department of Music. Savannah is on track to student teach in the Spring of 2020!


Reach Savannah at

Savannah Moore



Secretary, 2018-

Secretary, 2018-Fall 2019

Carly Hass is a music education major at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU). She enjoys using her voice, her primary instrument, to sing, laugh, and share kindness with others. She is currently serving her second year as Secretary of CCSU’s chapter of ACDA. Carly believes that learning choral music is vital to the education of any music student, and knows that sharing a love of choral music is possible through ACDA.



Reach Carly at



President, 2018-

Carina is a junior studying music education at Central Connecticut State University. While a proud vocal concentration, she also plays violin and prides herself on being a master kazoo player. When she's not practicing or brainstorming for ACDA, she's conducting research for her Honors Thesis, working on projects as a Peer Advisor in the Arts & Sciences Advising Place, or mentoring students in the TRIO Program! Her passions lie in creating equitable educational opportunities and encouraging lifelong passions for learning. This is her second year as President of CCSU ACDA.


Reach Carina at

Carina Rosa

Treasurer, 2018-

Courtney Parrish is a sophomore at Central Connecticut State University where she majors in music education. While she is focused on vocals, she also plays a little piano and enjoys theatre. She has been very involved in choir since middle school, appearing in several ACDA and CMEA festival choirs. Her greatest choral accomplishment is performing with the Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall twice and also at the iconic Sydney Opera House. Outside of music you can find her spending time with family, playing with her cat, shopping or baking.


Reach Courtney at !



Other personnel

SGA Liaison: Adrianna Aresco

Faculty Advisor: TBA

SA/LD Advisor: Sue Sweeney

Other Personnel

CLUB ADVISOR: Dr. Robinson
SA/LD ADVISOR: Alicia Torello
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