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Orchestra Conductor on Stage

Let's Talk About Us

The American Choral Directors Association at Central Connecticut State University (ACDA-CCSU) facilitates a lifelong love of choral music by creating educational and professional opportunities for its members. By hosting specialized community events, scheduling forums by guest speakers, and hosting regular meetings, the group provides musicians (and music enthusiasts) with a high-quality, insightful and diverse supplemental music education.

Since our reactivation in February of 2019, we’ve been committed to helping people pursue their musical passions, engaging with the community at large, and enhancing the musical abilities of our members. We discuss critical topics that are prevalent in the working world of music that pertain to education and pedagogy, performance, and the discipline as it pertains to ethics in an effort to seek solutions as a community. With our passionate faculty personnel, exceptional Executive Board and a talented student community, we provide the CCSU campus with an exciting and enriching way to explore the world of choral music.

 Peruse our site or contact us to learn more about ACDA-CCSU.

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