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Resource List

Musical excellence begins with a good physical, intellectual, emotional foundation. Check out this list from ACDA-CCSU for online academic, campus, and miscellaneous resources!

Campus Resources

Willard-Diloreto, D313

Arts & Sciences Advising Place (ASAP)

The Arts & Sciences Advising Place (ASAP) is an office within the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS). Located in Willard-Diloreto (D313), ASAP houses faculty and peer advisors who are available for individual consultation regarding scheduling, courses, credits, and many other things! You can email any Peer Advisor or schedule an appointment with one of the faculty advisors. If your major falls within CLASS, you should get to know your friends in ASAP, ASAP!


A Helpful Note: If you take the elevator to the third floor of Willard-Diloreto, take a LEFT towards the CLASS office and turn right. Continue to the end of that hall to find D313 (the ASAP office)!

Willard-DiLoreto, W212

Bursar's Office

The Bursar's Office is the office responsible for student billing. This is where you can learn about student fees including labs, lessons, and tuition; how to enroll in the Central Payment Plan (CPP); and refund policies. If you are looking for information regarding FAFSA or scholarships, you should contact Financial Aid instead. If you received a parking ticket, wish to discuss payment options, or have any questions about student fees, contact the Bursar's Office!

Willard-Diloreto, 1st Floor

Health Services

CCSU Health Services provides all part-time and full-time students with access to mental and medical health resources. If you're sick and need to get checked out by a medical professional, call ahead to schedule an appointment! Office visits and consultations are free, but some medicines, immunizations, treatments, and lab tests are not. This office is open from 8 AM - 5 PM Monday through Friday.

To schedule an appointment, call (860) 832-1926.

For general inquiries, call (860) 832-1925.


*Note that CCSU Health Services should NOT be used in place of emergency care. For any and all medical emergencies, please call 911.*

Willard-Diloreto, D316

The Learning Center

The Learning Center (TLC) is your one-stop-shop for all things academic! The two features of TLC are Academic Coaching and Tutoring programs. 

Academic Coaching is available for ALL CCSU students who wish to reach their fullest professional and academic potential! Your mentor will help you with time management, organization, introduce you to new study skills, and provide you with moral support throughout your time at Central!

Tutoring is available in the areas of math, statistics, physics, and chemistry. Online tutoring (eTutoring) is available in the areas of writing, math, statistics, accounting, biology, chemistry, anatomy & physiology, as well as information literacy & research methods.

For extensive assistance in writing or English, contact The Writing Center.

Student Center, 3rd Floor

The LGBT Center

The LGBT Center's mission is to provide a welcoming, creatively inspiring, and safe space for the CCSU LGBT community. They promote community building, cultural and communal connections, resources and student support services for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and ally student population on campus. They offer networking opportunities, work closely with CCSU's library to add and maintain LGBT resources and work closely with CCSU Pride to celebrate diversity and promote equality. The LGBT Center is accessible through email at or on the 3rd floor of the Student Center.
Contact The LGBT Center if you have any questions regarding gender-neutral facilities, Lavender Graduation, the LGBT Library, or anything involving LGBT services on campus!

Student Center, 2nd Floor

Student Activities & Leadership Development

Student Activities & Leadership Development (SA/LD) provides students with leadership development workshops and manages the majority of student organization-related events. They are also responsible for coordinating major campus events like Homecoming and managing RECentral. Contact SA/LD if you have any questions regarding these events, joining clubs, or if you'd like to start a club of your own!

Willard-Diloreto, D201

Veterans Affairs

The mission of the Veterans Affairs office is to assist veterans, service members, and dependents with the transition from military life to campus culture. They provide students with information regarding educational benefits and the Student Veterans Organization along with access to resources including a study center for student veterans to utilize and network in. If you are a member of the veteran community (including dependents), stop by this office!

Hours: 8 AM - 9 PM Monday through Thursday

8 AM - 5 PM Friday

Davidson Hall, 102

The Office of Victim Advocacy

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, violence, or stalking, The Office of Victim Advocacy is here to provide you with support. The office is open from 9 PM - 5 PM Monday through Friday and can be contacted by calling (860) 832-3795. You may also email the full-time, professional advocate employed by the university at by clicking the button below.
This office is a part of The Office of Diversity & Equity.

Student Center, 2nd Floor

The Women's Center

The Ruth Boyea Women's Center provides resources, to advocate, to inform, and to support personal development. The Center offers a variety of services for and about women by sponsoring educational and cultural programs designed to promote gender equity and by sharing knowledge of women's rights issues, leadership, and independence. Connect with the Women's Center for information on scholarships, employment opportunities, and educational events!

Campus Resources
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Online Resources


Academic resources that will make your life so much easier.

Online Resources


Stay updated on the latest and greatest in the choral world with the ACDA website! Access journals, forums, mentor programs, and much more!

Oxford Music

Explore different musical disciplines, instruments, eras, locations, and career types with Oxford Music Online! Access this database with your CCSU email.

Music Index

This database provides scholars with extended resources pertaining to music. Browse scores of journals, dissertations, books, obituaries, reviews, letters, essays, and more!

Oxford History of Western Music

Access the Oxford History of Western Music for free with your CCSU log-in credentials! Refer to supplementary links, musical excerpts, and historical synthesis for essay inspiration.

Naxos Music Library

Listen to over 2 million professionally recorded pieces in the Naxos Music Library! Make a playlist of your favorite tracks, create playlists of pieces from Music History and ensemble repertoire, discover new composers, and much more! (They have an app!)

Google Scholar

Refine your academic searches by using Google Scholar! Use this scholarly search engine to find more credible, relevant, and informative information for your research projects.

Facts on File

Explore topics for integration and interdisciplinary study with Facts on File! This source discusses popular subjects of controversy and provides multiple perspectives and resources in an effort to inform its readers. Topics from Facts on File may be used as a lens through which you may write or form opinions on musical topics or learn about controversial subjects in music themselves!


JSTOR is a database that focuses on topics within the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. If you're looking for articles on education, philosophy, performance reviews, or the arts, this is  a great place to start! JSTOR is one of the most frequently used databases among students in CLASS.

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